University of KwaZulu-Natal

Project Summary
University of KwaZulu Naal’s (UKZN) Strengthening the Workforce to Improve Treatment and Care for HIV (SWITCH) is designed to provide learners with the requisite knowledge and skills to utilize the continuous quality improvement (CQI) method as a tool to strengthen HIV service delivery in the health system. SWITCH uses a person-centered approach and the pedagogy of inter-professional education to educate learners about the power of multi-disciplinary team-based learning and health care teams.
Key Accomplishments
- 40 facilitators trained to lead 8 workshops
- 363 learners (328 pre-service, 35 postgraduate) trained to deliver high-quality, team-based HIV care
- Introduced concept of interprofessional education and collaborative practice to learners
- Developed resources, including guiding principles for facilitators, and team-based learning, interprofessional education, and continuous quality improvement handouts.
- Dr. Mosa Moshabela, PI
- Dr. Nisha Nadesanreddy, PD
- Prem Ramnarain, Finance Administrator
- Sandile Nzuza, eLearning Coordinator
- Nisha Nadesan-Reddy, Training Coordinator