8. Management of Sepsis in a Person with HIV

8. Management of Sepsis in a Person with HIV


The goal of this session is to introduce learners to the provision of team-based care for a patient newly diagnosed with HIV who is admitted to the hospital with bacterial sepsis.


By the end of the module, the learner will be able to:

1. Identify risk factors and possible sources of bacterial sepsis in people with HIV (PWH)

2. Explain signs and symptoms of sepsis using a systems-based approach

3. Apply clinical and community-based strategies in the management and prevention of sepsis using a team-based approach (IPE, QI)

4. Demonstrate use of CUS or the two-challenge rule to bring attention to clinical safety breaches (IPE/ Patient Safety)

5. Discuss how to counsel the patient to disclose his status to his partner

6. Describe the impact of achieving undetectable HIV RNA on preventing HIV transmission