How it works



  • The STRIPE HIV Pre-/Post Test is intended exclusively for learners participating in STRIPE HIV trainings. Please do not proceed if you are not attending a STRIPE HIV training.
  • Please read through the full set of instructions before clicking “sign up” below.
  • Click here to download the instructions. You may choose to reference these instructions as you proceed through the process.

STEP 1: Click the SIGN UP button below to gain access to the evaluation tools on the STRIPE HIV Website. You will be prompted to fill out a form with the following fields. Please note the tips below in order to complete the form accurately and successfully!

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • University Affiliate: This is the medical or nursing school that is hosting your STRIPE HIV training program—if you are uncertain which institution to select, please ask one of your STRIPE HIV Facilitators.
  • Country
  • Partner or Clinical Sites: If your partner institution or clinical site is not available in the drop-down menu, please select “Not Listed” and type the partner institution and/or clinical site that you are representing in the text field that appears.
  • Training Level
  • Health Profession Category
  • Gender
  • Email address: You will receive an email to verify your account, so please use an active email address that you can access immediately.
  • Username: Make note of the username you select in a safe and accessible place so that you can sign into the site.
  • Password:
    • Your password must:
      • Be a least 8 characters
      • Include at least one lowercase letter
      • Include at least one uppercase letter
      • Include at least one number
    • Make note of your password in a safe and accessible spot so that you can sign into the site.
  • Accept: Please read about the purpose of the evaluation and provide your consent to participate and proceed by clicking “accept.”

STEP 2: You will be redirected to the STRIPE HIV website pre-test page—please click start pre-test.

STEP 3: Prior to your STRIPE HIV Training, complete take the Pre-test for the required modules and any other non-required modules that you wish to and/or are directed to complete by your facilitators. To find the pre-test, sign in to the website using your username and password, navigate to the “Evaluation” heading at the top of the website (on a mobile device the “Evaluation” heading will be within the main menu of the mobile site) and click on “Pre-test”.

STEP 4: Following the STRIPE HIV training, complete the Post-test by returning to the website, signing in using your username and password and clicking on “Post-test” under the “Evaluation” heading as described in Step 3.

To reset your password: Visit the sign in page and click the Forgot your password? link. You will be redirected to a new page to enter your email address or username. Click the Reset my password button and you will receive an email containing a link that leads to a page that allows you to set a new password. Enter the new password and click on the Change my password button.

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