Module 21

Advanced HIV Disease (AHD) in the Inpatient Setting

The goal of this module is to prepare learners to provide high-quality care to acutely ill patients with advanced HIV disease (AHD) in the inpatient setting.

Module 21 Learning Goals

Identify patients with AHD by CD4 cell count and WHO clinical staging

Within the scope of your profession, describe the initial management of an adult with AHD and neurologic symptoms

Identify and assess signs of serious illness in a patient with AHD

Define the role of your health profession in the care of a patient with AHD and serious illness (IPC)

Understand when to start and when to defer antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation in the inpatient setting

Safely discharge a patient with AHD back to care in the community

Describe an approach to evaluating the clinical outcomes of patients with AHD cared for at your healthcare facility (QI)

Person lying in a hospital bed.

Complete the Module Activities

This module has pre-readings and a group activity. First, complete the pre-readings. Then, use the materials in the group activity to practice the skills from this module.

Part 1: Pre-Readings

Please read these pre-readings before completing the group activity.

Part 2: Group Activities

Use the resources below to facilitate group activities to practice the skills from the module.

This module does not have a facilitator presentation or instructions.

Learner Guide

Guide with learning goals and activities

Open Learner Guide PDF

Learner Instructions

Worksheet for completing a learning activity

Open Learner PDF